If you’ve promised to redecorate your child’s bedroom, it can end up being costly if you give in to all their demands. So, here you’ll find some do-it-yourself craft ideas that will not only save you money but surprise your little ones with something totally unique, made just for them. Most of these items can be made with things you already have lying around the house. See these ways to give your child's room a magical makeover.
#1 Wall Decals or Stickers
A simple yet effective way to change the look of a room instantly. Decals and stickers come in all kinds of colors, patterns and designs and can easily blend in with the rooms chosen theme. Wall art is easy to apply with decals made to be easily removable and not damaging to the wall’s surface. There are literally thousands of designs to choose from making it great fun for you and your children to choose together.

#2 Paper Lantern Hot Air Balloon
These make a lovely addition to any little person’s room and are super easy to make. All you need is a paper lantern, some craft paint, a mini basket, scissors, string and glue gun. Paint your lantern in any color combination to match the rest of the room’s décor and simply attach the string to the lantern and mini basket. Make a few and hang them at different levels for an even better effect.
#3 Sock Feet
This is a cute idea that will literally takes seconds and cost nothing. If you have some spare socks, thick and patterned ones work best, try placing them at the bottom of chair legs or desks and table legs. If you’re feeling creative then try crocheting your own cute designs for adding a touch of unique glamour to a child’s room. They’re also handy for keeping furniture in place.
#4 Branch Curtain Hanger
If your little one is a nature lover or you want an imaginative addition to a fairy tale theme, then install a branch to hang your curtains from. It’s as simple as finding a sturdy branch, pruning it, painting it, attaching it and hanging tied curtains from it. Remember you won’t be able to slide the curtains open on a tree branch so they will need to be tied back during the day.
Source: lynneknowlton.com
#5 Skateboard Shelves
What home doesn’t have a battered old skateboard in the garage? If not, cheap ones can usually be picked up in Walmart or Target. With some screws, L brackets, a level, drill and anchors, you’ll find loads of step-by-step instructions online. Boys will love this quirky, fun addition to storing all their books, magazines or toy figures. It’s also a perfect idea for that awkward transition age between little boys and young teens.

Source: countryliving.com
#6 Upcycled Bedside Table
Is there some old furniture that your child wants to replace? Instead of throwing out an old desk or bedside table, think about repurposing it. Sand it down and choose a cool new color or pattern to paint it. It’s possible to give it a makeover so that it fits in with a new theme and you’ve saved yourself from buying yet more new furniture. You can do this with many items and maybe even use them for a totally new purpose than they served before. The only limit is your imagination!
#7 Indoor Teepee
What child doesn’t love the thought of their own secret, private place? A cozy snug or den where they can play, read or plot new adventures. Some bamboo canes, thick string, a large blanket and clothes peg will create a simple, instant fun addition to a bedroom. You can make it fancy or as simple as you need – kids don’t care so much about décor as adventure so you won’t need to try too hard!
#8 Branch Swing Shelves
Tired of moving all the teddies off the bed? This easy idea creates cute little branch swings for all those soft toys to sit on and out of your way. You’ll need some 2” diameter branches, a hand saw, drill, rope, masking tape and screws. For very young children, hang them high enough to be out of reach but they make an adorable addition to a child’s room and your little ones will love them.

Source: hometalk.com
#9 Button Tree
If you’re looking for an activity you can do together with the kids then you’ll love creating your own button tree wall art design. All you need is a canvas, some paints, glue and colored buttons. Choose any design of tree, draw it on, paint and then glue on the buttons once the paint’s dry. Great fun that your kids will love, decided which colored buttons to put where in their totally unique bedroom art.

Source: bustedbutton.com
#10 Birdhouse Night Light
A wooden birdhouse lit up from inside creates a gorgeous effect for a child’s room. Placed on a tree wall decoration looks even better for a nature inspired décor. Paint the birdhouse any color or pattern you choose, drill a hole in the bottom for a wire to be inserted, add a bulb fitting and a small bulb and you have a bespoke light fitting your kids will adore.

Source: projectnursery.com
#11 Cloud Shelves
Team up the paper lantern hot air balloon idea for an airy daydream décor. These cute shelves are super easy to make and there are numerous designs you can opt for. The simplest option is to install a white shelf and add painted clouds on the wall behind or take it a step further by drawing a cloud shape on some wood, cut it out with a jigsaw, screw it to the wall and mount the shelf beneath it.

Source: howtonestforless.com
#12 Child Art (or photo) Chandelier
An easy way to make something beautiful out of your child’s drawings. Running out of room on the refrigerator? Then let your child bring their artwork to life by using it to decorate their own room. You’ll need a couple embroidery hoops, some balsa wood, string and a whole pile of wonderful artwork from your kids.

Source: natalme.com